Technical information

Electro-Therm GS waterproof brass band heaters can be fitted with a J or K thermocouple, as required.

Electrical connection is via a flexible 2 conductor + ground cable (Nickel wire + fiberglass), protected by a metal braid
The cable is protected by a metal braid, standard length 500 mm, and connected to the band heaters by a brazed cover, ensuring absolute protection of the connection.

Some type of waterproof brass bands heaters are available on stock. Please consult us for standard dimensions and power.

Our type of waterproof brass band heaters are used to heat cylindrical parts, mainly on plastic processing machines.

To help you find the right solution, don't hesitate to contact us. Our sales engineers are at your disposal to answer your questions and support your projects.

GS-Waterproof brass band heaters are used in the following industries:

- Plastics and rubber industries

- O.E.M manufacturers

- Pharmaceuticals and chemicals

- Packaging

- Nuclear industry

This list is not exhaustive.

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